Speaking of AOR - Assumption of Risk (from below)
Speaking of AOR amusements... I was in Chicago for my second time, and got bored, so went on a chat board. A guy invited me to meet up with him after chatting for over an hour, and so I met him at a Starbuck's. We hit it off relatively well, and he asked if I would like to drop by his place and hang out. Sure, I replied, and got a little aroused at the thought or the expectation of what he meant be hanging out. Suddenly it was deja vu. I remembered his building from an earlier trip to chicago. I not only remembered this building, but his apartment was the SAME apartment I had been in a few years earlier. Uh oh.. I thought. Can this guy be my prior friend's brother? cousin? lover? both? Am I in some sick porn fantasy? We proceeded to hang out... and after 20 minutes, he was hanging out even more so, if u know what I mean, and after another 20 minutes, we were both hanging out and he was gliding across me like a skater glides on smooth, cool, glistening, lake michigan, ice.
later, we showered together, and we each pinned each other against the shower tiles for a playful soapy "seconds" session, and i watched the shower water make sudsy streams across his back, as rivers of soap and water streamed down his back and legs, and, on all fours, a river formed a waterfall from the base of his spine to between a grand canyon of his cheeks. as we toweled off, i asked him, have you been in the apartment long? no, he replied. it is his friend's place and he is just crashing here for a month while his friend is in europe on business. oh i see.. it's a nice place, i replied. so ... chalk one up for me, doing two guys in the same apartment years apart. i cant wait to see if someone new moves into that place on my next trip to the windy city.

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