Mystery Books can lead to Mysterious Meetings
I am in NYC for New Years, and was wasting time before dinner, when I happened upon a Manhattan mystery bookstore that was in the midst of closing up due to rent increases. The shelves were nearly bare, the aisle was crowded, the feeling was comfortable, and the prices were 50% off. I began to browse. I am not a mystery fan, though I do like cop shows on tv. But for 50% off, I picked up a copy of Suki Kim's book about a court interpreter who must try to solve the mysterious death of a Korean corner grocer.
I recalled meeting her once in a Brooklyn bar, so it can't hurt to read her book. With book in hand, I looked left and saw HIM. A hot guy, Korean, thuggish, browsing the shelves. Tasty eye candy. he had a mystery in his hands. Sounded bloody.
I moved closer. How to open a conversation? I opened with, "At 50% off, I feel an urgency to buy some books. "Any recommendations?" Not really, he said, "you might want to ask the clerks at the register." Ouch. he burned me. I kept browsing. He looked a little like this, but his lips were slightly less pouty.

I kept browsing the spare stacks. When I noticed the thriller in his hand, I decided to make another attempt at conversation. It was a thriller about a promiscuous gay auctioneer.
I walked up next to him. He turned and went to the other side of the store.
I browsed some more and headed to the register, where I bought my book and a cool tote bag. And guess who was behind me in line? He.
I paid and left. I began to walk North towards 110th, passing street vendors with pre- New Years horns and hats, and a couple of SRO's with some less than safe looking residents hanging at the doors. Suddenly, that guy spoke up. He was behind me, with his purchase, also heading north. "I saw you bought "The Interpreter," he said. "Yes," I replied, "There are so many Korean grocers, I thought she might have some insight into their lives behind the counter, and I like to support new asian authors."
"Do you aspire to be one?" he asked. "No comment," I replied with a sly smile. "I mostly aspire to write porn," I added.
"Well, you know what they say," he replied, "write what you KNOW about." I said, "Gee, good comeback. I wonder what you would write about? hehe. I would love to write more porn, but it is so hard to find good experience upon which to base my stories."
Damn, at that point he got ready to turn and head another direction than I. He said 'bye, enjoy the book' and then paused and added, 'speaking about experience, i think i have a book you might like. are u in a rush? u wanna drop by my place? i will give it to you as a new year's gift."
I am in no rush, i replied. we headed down the block.
I love to see manhattan apartments. it is amazing how people can fit an entire life of possessions into a small overpriced room. his was small but fastidiously clean. and by small, i mean his place was small, he was decidedly not small. when he removed his hoodie and down vest, i saw a massive arm.

i guess he saw me gazing at his arm. he offered me a drink. "Just water, please" He poured me a water from a pitcher in his fridge, and he poured himself a red wine. "tap water is fine for me, no need for a picther." i said. "Oh.. i like pitchers," he said. Hahaha.. yeah right.. i bet you do.
We sat on his couch and drank. "So where is the gift you have for me?" I asked. He put down his wine on a small end table, and straddled me as a sat on the couch. "Here is your gift," he said. We smiled. We laughed. I grabbed his waist, took his drink with my left hand, and finished it in two gulps. Putting the glass back on its coaster, I tilted him over so that he was lying on the coach and slid next to him and began to kiss.
God. NYC is great! After 30 minutes, he was without clothes, and posing on the couch

It was a fun pre-New Years gift, and a great way to spend an hour. One prob. I forgot the book there. Oh well.
I recalled meeting her once in a Brooklyn bar, so it can't hurt to read her book. With book in hand, I looked left and saw HIM. A hot guy, Korean, thuggish, browsing the shelves. Tasty eye candy. he had a mystery in his hands. Sounded bloody.
I moved closer. How to open a conversation? I opened with, "At 50% off, I feel an urgency to buy some books. "Any recommendations?" Not really, he said, "you might want to ask the clerks at the register." Ouch. he burned me. I kept browsing. He looked a little like this, but his lips were slightly less pouty.

I kept browsing the spare stacks. When I noticed the thriller in his hand, I decided to make another attempt at conversation. It was a thriller about a promiscuous gay auctioneer.
I walked up next to him. He turned and went to the other side of the store.
I browsed some more and headed to the register, where I bought my book and a cool tote bag. And guess who was behind me in line? He.
I paid and left. I began to walk North towards 110th, passing street vendors with pre- New Years horns and hats, and a couple of SRO's with some less than safe looking residents hanging at the doors. Suddenly, that guy spoke up. He was behind me, with his purchase, also heading north. "I saw you bought "The Interpreter," he said. "Yes," I replied, "There are so many Korean grocers, I thought she might have some insight into their lives behind the counter, and I like to support new asian authors."
"Do you aspire to be one?" he asked. "No comment," I replied with a sly smile. "I mostly aspire to write porn," I added.
"Well, you know what they say," he replied, "write what you KNOW about." I said, "Gee, good comeback. I wonder what you would write about? hehe. I would love to write more porn, but it is so hard to find good experience upon which to base my stories."
Damn, at that point he got ready to turn and head another direction than I. He said 'bye, enjoy the book' and then paused and added, 'speaking about experience, i think i have a book you might like. are u in a rush? u wanna drop by my place? i will give it to you as a new year's gift."
I am in no rush, i replied. we headed down the block.
I love to see manhattan apartments. it is amazing how people can fit an entire life of possessions into a small overpriced room. his was small but fastidiously clean. and by small, i mean his place was small, he was decidedly not small. when he removed his hoodie and down vest, i saw a massive arm.

i guess he saw me gazing at his arm. he offered me a drink. "Just water, please" He poured me a water from a pitcher in his fridge, and he poured himself a red wine. "tap water is fine for me, no need for a picther." i said. "Oh.. i like pitchers," he said. Hahaha.. yeah right.. i bet you do.
We sat on his couch and drank. "So where is the gift you have for me?" I asked. He put down his wine on a small end table, and straddled me as a sat on the couch. "Here is your gift," he said. We smiled. We laughed. I grabbed his waist, took his drink with my left hand, and finished it in two gulps. Putting the glass back on its coaster, I tilted him over so that he was lying on the coach and slid next to him and began to kiss.
God. NYC is great! After 30 minutes, he was without clothes, and posing on the couch

It was a fun pre-New Years gift, and a great way to spend an hour. One prob. I forgot the book there. Oh well.